You need a degree DeeDee and I’m sure CPS has already been to your house several times.. Humorous that the intelligence level is sooooo loooowwww and nauseating. I even told him I felt uncomfortable, and yet he did nothing.. his son would try to sleep with us too, but he would tell him no, but never his daughter. If he is a good man that cares about your feelings, he will understand and try to make adjustments to make sure all those who are close to him, his partner (you) and his kids, feel loved and appreciated. :). Why should a child be made to wake up to a disagreement between adults and then find himself at the center of it? I would have to say that is concerning. If he doesn’t wake up, he stays in his room! It is an invasion of privacy. I would ask for us to move so I could have my own room; maybe it was because they did not have enough money as we lived in NYC and there was rent control on the apartment. Like bathing and being naked in front of them, it make them feel relaxed and free. Correct judgment call? I said no. I live with someone and his 9 yr old daughter sleeps in the bed with us on the other side of him. And if it still bothers no, no-one said you have to accept it. After that we turn off his light and one of us stays with him 5-15 minutes depending on what we think he needs for that night. Sadly it makes me not really look forward to him coming because I know it’s hands of and separate sleeping for us. But to the family sharing the bed, all might seem cozy and completely non-sexual. This is all wrong, and I am getting to the point that I am being the bad guy and having to tell the mom to let him grow up some. He still cosleeps with her. He has no friends and doesn’t care to step out the door. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. The next day he wakes up just as normal and no one from the outside would even know he is a big baby. But of course the earlier you set your boundaries the better off you will be. My fiance thinks nothing of it. And this is how I was molested. My 10-year old son sleeps with us. You really need to put your foot down, hard, on this one. Both my kids slept with my husband (their father) and me until both were ~8. 15 year old boys! Now that the oldest has been turned against her dad & his family she has begun sleeping with the youngest daughter who is now 11. God forbid if this parent passes away…this child’s devastation would be maximized, This might be weird coming from one of the people of interest in this post but, I just turned twelve and find my self co-sleeping with my mother (Don’t worry I’m a girl ). It can affect their appetite, energy, sleep, and interest in hobbies, work, or relationships. Example: a family ski trip for five days Even if we’re watching t.v., depending on the day, you might find all three of us piled up beside each other. Our co-sleeper sleeps with other kids when they are around instead of with Mom. Our parent’s guide to a child’s sleep can help you and your children achieve the rest you deserve. The older son has given him a hard time about it but now doesn't … I would have ignored the stares, would have disregarded the judgments. I have a 14 year old son and on the very rare occasion when my husband is out of town he always tries to see if he can sleep in my bed with me. The kiss on the lips for long periods of time and are touchy with each other. Especially at that age… it’s not right. But even more, I wish I could tell every parent of a six year old to start now to build a close relationship with their child. Umm I’m 10 and I’m reading this because I don’t know if I will grow or not so that why there no reason to say that. You are hindering their development and making their life confusing. 1 decade ago. He says he doesn’t like to be alone and he does love to hug and snuggle, but he will sleep in his own bed if I INSIST. This is what is wrong with the world today we let the kids do what they want an the parents are divorced quick because of this. And for the record, ALL parents should know that everyone from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the Mayo Clinic are against co-sleeping due to the hazards that it can pose to your child. This seems really weird to me...and the 14 year old is big for his age...about 6', and his mom is a drug addict. I found it disgusting, morbid, humiliating and so horrendous that now, at almost age 49, I am still shocked I was forced to do so. What do I do? A. I don't know anything at all about why your eight-year-old would demand to sleep in your bed with you. She complains every day that he is “up her butt” following her every where, wanting her attention 100 percent of the time, coming into the bathroom without even knocking on the door when she’s trying to get ready or when she’s in the shower or about to get in the shower . My sister had a brief fling with a boy a year older than she was. My wife will not compromise and will not set a deadline to move her son permanently into his own bed. I don’t know how it feels for the couple. Mom & dad are not married or living together. My daughter and sone in law have allowed my granddaughter to sleep with them since birth. Moments earlier, the boy called 911. 9 out of 10 of his friends have or continue to cosleep. And share her bed to watch a movie?? Then tells her to come into bed 30 mins later when I have gone into the other room. Unfortunately I feel this isn’t morally correct and won’t allow my son to sleep over there. I think they just didn’t want to sleep with each other, which is fine, but I was the one who suffered for it because they didn’t want to change or get used to even a small thing for my benefit. Please help me decide what to do, my mom and dad still makes me sleep with them and I’m thirteen I keep hiding my erecting think.i tried my best explaining them still the want me to sleep with them.please somebody help. Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. Before I do this again, I just wanted other people’s opinions? Or the camp counselor? Society is changing and this situation wouldn't be a big shocker to many people. Camping or any overnight outside of the home is hard for him as he gets anxious about sleeping. He seems to feel he is entitled to all the luxuries and perks that all the adults have accumulated thru their years of hard work and saving. 16-year-olds, 17-year-olds, and18-year-olds need 2,800 calories Moderately active girls between 13 and 18 require 2,000 calories per day. Just does what he wants when he wants and no respect for authority. Unnatural to me! Hello, I just have a question pertaining to my GF and her 14 year old son. Love your comment Amy…well done you…i have got a little girl too and ocassionally we sleep together…i love being close to her, giving her hugs and feel her breath on my face. He is practically an only child because his siblings are grown and out of the house. Meanwhile, i skiing on my own. I was, and still am, terrified that he will die in his sleep. A. I am lonely. A. Sorry for so many spelling errors.. obviously I did not do spell check! What I mean is if he touched your arm to wake you up, or if he put his hand on your forehead, because he was concerned that you might have a fever. You don’t go playing with your friends and come in crying when the neighbour’s own child is giving you hard times, no. I would love some input on this situation. A study out of the University of Michigan showed that children who slept with their parents beyond the age of 2 many into the preteen years, were developmentally stunted and even faced years and years of sleep issues later in life. There is definitely some issues there, ive grew up doing foster care with worse of worse cases of abuse and seen many stages. I have read a lot of information that is available in print and on the web regarding co-sleeping. He had many medical But isn’t it always?? When u said she is sleeping with is, he said no and that she needed to sleep elsewhere. I know she grows up and i will never ever get the chance to hold this little human being in my arms the way i do it now. My son is 10 and he has slept w my husband and I since birth. I think its sick. If they are matters of convenience based on house size or bed availability then there might not be a lot of options. I get home from work late at night and have to remove him to his own bed at circa 2 AM every night. He's able to sleep in his own bed. And it made me sick. He still has the same issue. Tuesday night she slept with him, not because of weather, just because it was his night… I think this whole co-sleeping thing is destroying his independence, his mental stability, and is forcing him to rely on others to sleep. He has her and her younger brother on weekends. He also has a 9 year old son. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. He holds her hand.I walk behind them. I repeatedly asked for my own bed and was put off or told things like “it would break up the furniture set,” which struck me as trivial and a bad reason to not change things. 11 Year old child sleeping with mother John. I have a friend (girl) that sleeps with her mother in bed and she is 35. My boyfriend seem to think that it is okay to sleep with his 9 year old daughter. I knew he was ok. There are other families who keep the marital or parental door completely locked and off limits. For this I will never sleep in the same bed as my step son and if necessary I will move to another room to sleep. Thoughts? Probably won’t want to take out the tray or Ave any responsibility either! She has an 11 year old daughter, an only child, who I also cherish and with whom we spend good quality family time and individual time. Gor his 11 th bday in August, his Daddy is redoing our upstairs loft so he has a space thats always been his. Hi. He go an ac for the bedroom and I said Your son will want one in his room and he said why he can sleep with me .. May be a bit of a late response, but I can’t help but notice a lack of input from those who have slept with their parents when they were “too old” to be doing so; so I decided to throw in my own piece. It doesn’t ruin the dynamic for she and I at all .-12 year old girl (P.S. She’s fifteen. You are parents & your children’s brains aren’t fully develpied until their 21. My great grand daughter sleeps just with her dad. My mum and sister say that once she becomes a teen she won’t want to sleep with her dad and will find the idea icky. And he knows hee loved Even with the rules. We had sex away from them without issue. Schooles have been closed for over 2 months and he loves the heck out of it. You don’t. When the baby's father saw the injuries, he killed the dog. Nice parenting, lots of love in that house. One other interesting piece of information that most experts on the topic miss is how the control or lack of control of children affects their disposition later in life. Not dad and daughter. If he wants something he demands it and she gets it for him. You can get in big trouble if one is found in private areas. On the flip side, he is a great dad and attentive to her every call. And I spoke with him about it several times.. still nothing… I feel uncomfortable sleeping with someone else’s child!! My dad’s friend, was a really awesome and nice guy, as was his wife. To make matters worse, when we have a disagreement she will move her son back into our bed knowing that it gets under my skin. Parent’s talk.) I understand the snuggle time and creating great relationships but there does come a time when it is inappropriate. Learn how the word dynamic is spelled. sleep without me, but I do think he has anxiety that is part of the problem and that he is basically afraid to sleep alone. I could see if it was a one bedroom house and no other bed or bedroom existed, but at age 13 you can’t sleep on your own you will never be independent and mature. Why on Earth would anyone put a 13 year old girl and 15 year old boy in the same room? Does he have any friends? I’m 13 and this may sound weird coming from a teenager but I haven’t been able to sleep lately, and then I go and wake up my mum and dad and see if I can sleep with them. The other graduated college early, lives alone in NYC and is a successful financier. My partner’s 8 year old daughter gets into bed with us most nights, although she has got better about sleeping in her own bed, but still seems to do it out of habit, I asked her the other night what was wrong and she said nothing. I don’t think this is healthy personally but I can’t help it. 1 0. strawberry tea. I have 2 daughter my 1 year old who sleeps in her own room and my 6 year old step daughter, I love both very much. I mean, he was a great dad , and that’s why I liked him in the first place, because I also have 2 children. I also told him to either set her room up and get her a bed or tell her she can visit on his weekends but cannot sleep over until she has her own bed. Hes 19 now. Why are they chosing? There has been tines where he has taken off all his clothes to change, or just got out of the shower, and didn’t even ask his daughter to leave the room So he can change. Meanwhile, I cooked and cleaned every day from age nine onward and to this day, I resent all I was forced to do under complete tyranny, PLUS I couldn’t even have my own space. I was baffled.. I agree with you that it’s not a good idea for a parent to be sleeping with a 13 year old child or with a child of any age, for that matter. The shocking case of a 14-year-old who allegedly shot his sleeping parents last Friday is growing more disturbing, as investigators reveal violent video games may have been a motive in the crime. Dazu gehört der Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Partner für deren berechtigte Interessen. It was always weird, but I never said anything.. but one night, while me and my kids were over his place to stay the night, my 7 year old daughter started crying and not feeling good, and asked to sleep with us. Neither has had or has “Mental problems” a learning disability or problems in relationships. Co-sleeping increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome in babies. Für nähere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklärung und Cookie-Richtlinie. This is old I know but this is my situation. I can go to sleepovers and camps just like “normal” . Would you do that if they were girls? You wonder why society is messed up? Boyfriend has a 8 yr old son and I have 7yrold daughter (who sleeps by herself, in her own bed) but my boyfriend think it’s okay to allow his 8yr old son to sleep with us!! Let's stay updated! I love him so much and don’t want to be mean and just kick him out, but I worry it’s making him too dependent on me and not appropriate for his age level. Sorry but if be pissed too. Aren’t you afraid they’ll live with you forever because they know no other way? All I can say is I hope the boyfriend wises up and kicks you to the curb. And he hasn’t even learn to sleep in his own bed yet?! This whole topic has me shaking my head. She thinks she rules the house and his disrespectful towards me. It took me until he was about 10 yrs old to get him in his own bed. Issues when He was born only to get under control by the age of about 3.5. This boys mother would rather appease him than deal with the fussing. For one, I felt I could not, WOULD not, have friends over because they would see the one bed and wonder where I slept. Is this a normal thing?? Great Question thx For It…. We let children make their own decisions because we’re not narcissistic control freaks who lusts over the idea of creating a “mini-me”. I don’t need need to defend myself to you. No one should be judging as they have not lived in anyone else’s shoes. Co-sleeping is not limited to primitive cultures. I mean is it really necessary in the bedroom of all places, these people don’t actually care about the kids or they would never subject them to this passed a maximum of 1-2 years old. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. His kids, both the daughter and son are going to cause you a lot of trouble. How can the child move forward in life with independence. In March of 2007, the New York Times published a research article on this very subject. He was with his father this weekend and slept Friday through Sunday night with him, wanted to sleep with his mom on Monday night, but fell asleep in his own bed before she got in there. What is most important is being cognizant of how ALL the parties’ involved parent, spouse, and child feel about the matter. Let the child feel the need of freedom and space to sleep alone. Call him sexy when he gets dressed up. Which hardly ever happens. A British team looked at 10,000 7-year-olds and found bedtimes consistently later than 9 p.m. in early childhood were associated with difficulty in reading and math in elementary school. When me and my younger siblings are around it makes all of us uncomfortable. Other wise any other room is safe. Can you spell denial? What are your views as a parent with BF and GF sleeping in bed (14 years old)? But as a child it was very hurting for me to be asked to sleep alone when during those days i didn’t have mobile phone, laptop or too much of homework or friends to keep me busy. He comes and get in my husband’s and my bed if he wakes at night. I agree these kids don’t know any other way and they won’t change as they get older A 13 year old sleeping with his mom is not only wrong, but it borders on "weird" This child has probably began to go thru puberty and his hormones are jumping all over the place. In our case the mother is a child therapist & during the divorce began sleeping with the oldest from 10 yrs to almost 13. I can’t really just block them out of my life, they are my wife’s family. When my dad was home though I would almost always sleep in bed with him, anytime he was around really I basically attached myself to his hip lol. My step-son resents me because when I am gone he gets his way; when I am home he feels I take his place. We go over some of the problems parents are facing and some common and highly researched solutions. I was an only child and thankfully did not experience the other abuse you described, but this seriously caused me ISSUES. It really does have a huge impact on a kids mental health. Like enjoy it now because time flies and soon they will be grown. He’s even gone in there to sleep, but then ten minutes later he’s back in our bed. The reason he doesn’t tell his friends is because in reality, it is none of their business. A majority of Japanese children co-sleep with their parents through the early school years, and half co-sleep with their parents until the mid teens, according to multiple sources including Sleep and Breathing in Children. There is a reason every medical and pyscological organization in the world agrees co-sleeping should end by age 6. At a certain age enough is enough. He will not give her a second to herself, which is true, he can not do anything by himself or entertain himself in any way when she is around. A. Submitted by Jen31 on Tue, 08/06/2013 - 8:47am. When he has friends over for a sleepover he sleeps in his room and pretends that that is his room the whole time. My life isn’t confusing, your way of thinking is. Lv 4. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. That’s ridiculous for anyone other than you and him to be in that bed. My fiance has a 10 year old daughter she still sleeps with ever since you brought home from the hospital. By Meredith Bennett-Smith The shocking case of a 14-year-old who allegedly shot his sleeping parents last Friday is growing more disturbing, as investigators reveal violent video games may have been a motive in the crime. Here’s how to help. I’ve never had issues with responsibility, I had chores to do when I was little and made sure to do them, and do them well. I do consider it wrong. He gets mad when I refuse to sleep with him and says I'm heartless or selfish. But once maybe twice a month he does sleep with me. I think it’s just about the weirdest thing ever and I don’t understand. I’m so distraught. Dealing with this early on can prevent future social problems. Did i mention we been in relationship nearly 2.5 yrs. Insight please…, I also think the same way. 9, 8, 7 year old? In no way would I ever consider my dad to have been abusive, but I do feel it is something people are very quick, and not to mention wrongfully, judge. My dad was a single parent and had to raise me by himself. If any of you try to come for me or be hateful and your spelling and grammar are not good I won’t pay you any mind ). His father and I have no issues with this and eventually he will no longer ask to sleep with me, which will be sad for me but just because I’ll miss the snuggles. He begs us every night to sleep with us saying He doesn’t like being alone. Sick kids are so hard to see when your a patent. In addition, I knew from an early age that I was queer and sleeping with my mom was especially weird and slightly creepy in retrospect, even though there was no sexual abuse. I think there is something wrong with this situation! asks from Indianapolis, IN on August 20, 2006 22 answers. What if you want to have sex with the other parent? You are partly to be blamed for letting this happen. You can help her be confident and safe as she becomes more independent. Dianne Lake was just 14 years old when she first met Charles Manson. It is sick. This is not appropriate is it? I see my son every second weekend and he lives with his father and when he is with me he sleeps in the same bed. Any suggestions? I’m not one to tell parents on how to raise their children but am unsure how to go about talking to her about Allowing the co sleeping and what effects it’s having on his and her relationship. He ditched school and was a bully when he went. We are not to let our children be that dividing line between our spouses. Last yesr3i bought a bed w trundle and he and i fall asleep in his room. Setting a Bedtime . What Your Daughter Wears – Is it Appropriate, Raising Twins – Advice from a Mother Who Has Twin Girls, Puppy Punishment – Disciplining a Young Dog, Five Common Issues New Moms Face with Breastfeeding. In the study, it suggested that children sleeping with parents can be responsible for destroying a marriage and even confusing children about their sexual identity. So weird in my opinion, but what can I say and not look like a btch? Try out the Opposite. I was given meager food while my brother was fed like a king. My stepdaughter, who is 11 years old, refuses to sleep on her own when she is at our house. I ALWAYS resented not having my own space. Having an elderly sleeping too much can be a concern, and it really helps to find out more about the underlying causes of excessive sleep. Generally we communicate very well and are quite attentive to each other and our family. I have never seen anything like it and I call it piss poor parenting. okay so my friend she sleeps around ALOT and her parents are calling her a hore saying shes gonna get pregnate and says that she needs to get her brain rewireed and get HELP. They will grow up and be fine.. That isn’t asking too much. What have I not yet considered to help resolve this issue? Advise, and/or comments would be great.. but please nothing rude!!! Create that separation in bed. He likes to close the door when they’re in there together. Sleeping with a teen or pretten child is simply selfish. My son never slept in his crib, was nursed, and now dreads sleeping by himself. Or for them to sleep with their mom being naked..if you say no to these than there is your answer.. They may not want to be seen being dropped off by their parents to a dance or sporting event. More than a father daughter relationship. And why would she? Should I allow is to break up my marriage and be better off alone? I still always tried to sleep in bed with him, and occasionally he would me. Living busy lives, every family bonds differently. I agree. When Sarah Watts’s 16-year-old daughter Alicia asked if her boyfriend of three months could stay the night, she wasn’t outraged or upset. Parent claiming “I just love our snuggle time” need to wake up to reality. I feel my personal space is violated. Going for Plenty of Color and Pattern to Decorate Your Home? My brother had his own bedroom with a door he kept closed and locked. Wählen Sie 'Einstellungen verwalten ', um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Auswahl zu treffen person and understand this... Night and have to accept it tonight dads tied the water for some time say... Gets older, she ’ s weird then my family would probably be.. Together forever how are they supposed to learn boundaries and also puts him right in the middle of and... Young age so I got smothered boyfriend ( hopefully former by now ) is a sleep-over, does... 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