Plus, you can buy frozen mice in large quantities on Amazon. Ball Python enclosures come in many shapes and sizes, and this is the one we think is best. Do not disregard advice from a professional veterinarian because of something you read here. It’s far easier to manage than buying a new live mouse each week. Before buying your Ball Python, ask the breeder about it’s eating habits. However, if your snake is in an area that doesn’t get a lot of natural light, you could absolutely opt for lighting to help simulate day and night cycles. However, hopper mouse moves around a lot more than a pinky rat, and can better entice a hatchling snake. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It’s got a lot of space, so your new pal has plenty of room to stretch out and grow. Many ball pythons have a sort of internal clock that tells them to stop eating … Try not to go any smaller than that, because you’ll run the risk of underfeeding your snake. Juvenile ball pythons will need a smaller enclosure. You’ll need a few different, key items outlined below. There are a few best practices when it comes to water and proper Ball Python care. You can continue to feed your Ball Python once every 7 days throughout it’s life, too. Albino ball pythons are a “naturally occurring color morph” … While the breed tends to be friendly, there are a few best practices to note when it comes to handling your Ball Python. When you think about how often you're going to feed the snake (and the fact that it needs a couple of days for digestion before handling), you can see that weekly handling is a good guideline. No two snakes have patterns that are exactly like another. There are some key piece of info you need to know to ensure proper Ball Python Care. They sell a lot of their mice through Amazon, which makes buying your Ball Python’s dinner very convenient. If you don’t really want a 20 gallon tank and have stumbled across an alternative, that’s ok — especially if you have a male Ball Python. That is really fascinating, You are a very professional blogger. From a shoebox with holes in it to a plastic storage container, you can get really creative when it comes to an enclosure for your Ball Python. It’s best to avoid those, as treated substrates can have negative effects on a Ball Python. All snakes like at least enough space to stretch out 3/4ths of their max length. Don’t hurry along the process by bathing, spraying, or rubbing the snake. An Axanthic ball python is a special type of morph that possesses a unique appearance. While Ball Pythons are typically less temperamental than other breeds, they are still wild animals. In fact, you’ll want to keep your hands away from the ball python’s head at all times. They don’t get too big, and are fairly docile and shy. #5. While this breed is often referred to as the most popular kind of captive snake to own, you’ll need to do a bit of research before ownership. Mid-body hold: When you handle your ball python for the first time, try to pick it up by the middle part of its body. You do not want your ball python to imprint on them, and refuse anything else. This process is often confused by something else the ball python female can do, which is to hold a mate’s sperm for later fertilization at a more convenient time. At least, captive-bred ball pythons do; wild-caught ball pythons are an entirely different matter. There are some things your snake doesn’t really need, but you still want to provide. When your ball python is a hatchling or juvenile, you probably shouldn't handle it more than once a week. While it’s not too difficult or complex to get the set ua p right, this is by far the biggest undertaking when it comes to proper Ball Python care. These snakes are very “head shy.” That’s a big reason why Ball Pythons are such popular pets. Lastly Glutamate, when this chemical is present it determines how sensitive the neuro-receptors are to any other transmitters. Live mice are one route to go, although you will have to either plan a weekly trip to the pet store or breed your own. The right terrarium is key to ensuring the proper Ball Python care. Thank you so much for the beautifully written guide! That checks all the boxes when it comes to the best Ball Python bedding. Fireball pythons: Not just an awesome name—fire ball pythons work well in combination with others. also i don't have to keep a "feeding schedule" i know when he is hungry because he will "hoover" over the flower pot when he is ready to eat. One of those bottles should last you several years to come. Note that Ball Pythons usually go through a period of time during the year when they will not eat as much. If the issue is related to health or cage aggression, it can usually be remedied … It’s fairly easy to plan out, and we recommend training your Ball Python to feed on frozen mice. If you specifically want a spider ball python you can handle then it’s worth asking to hold any snake before you make a purchase to ensure it is calm. Mojave ball pythons: Cheap and cheerful, Mojave ball pythons are very popular for first-timers. The Complete Guide to Setting Up the Best Ball Python Enclosure, Carolina Custom Cages Chlorhexidine Solution, REPTIZOO Reptile Glass Terrarium 36x18x18, Zilla Reptile Habitat Décor Shale Rock Den, iPower Digital Heat Mat Thermostat Controller for Reptiles, Fluker's Repta-Clamp Lamp Ceramic with Dimmable Switch, UG Rodents (Mice Range from Pinkies to Crawler Rats), California King Snake Care Sheet: Ultimate Guide. Banana ball pythons, like all snakes, need a good amount of space and respectful distance, especially after eating. These same experts also agree UVB won’t hurt either, so include it if you want to. But some people like to do this, so here goes. A snake that is just removed from its enclosure may also be curious about its new environment. If you don’t have a pet store near you in a convenient location, or you don’t want to have a cage full of mice, steer clear of feeding your snake live ones. It’s good to think long term when owning a snake for the first time, because they survive a lot longer than many people think. Bio-active soil is the hottest new things to enter the herpetoculture world, and for a good reason!. Also, try to space out their feeding a little more than normal if your BP rejects food in the winter months. The Exo Terra Water Dish is a great option for Ball Pythons of all sizes. The latter especially applies to Ball Pythons since they are a tropical snake and prefer more humid climates. While snakes in general are not particularly fond of being held, even by their owners, ball pythons as a species tend to do better with handling than most snakes. So just why do Ball Pythons soak in their water dish? Just make sure you plan for the long run! Treat the “wound” (it’s a series of pinpricks, really) with soap and water and you’ll be fine. As mentioned above, it’s best to get at least a 20 gallon tank that has a length similar to how long your snake will get. Lastly, live mice can seriously damage captive Ball Pythons. Just to reiterate, we want to give a little more info on our recommended tank for Ball Pythons. Why take the risk? While we do highly recommend this REPITZOO product for your Ball Python’s terrarium, there are plenty of alternatives out there. Ball Pythons like to be held, and are normally friendly and docile snakes. A hatchling can weigh up to 300 grams and can be housed in a 10-gallon enclosure. In this section we will outline how often to feed a Ball Python, how big of mice to feed a Ball Python, and what type of mice you should feed a Ball Python. Below we’ll go over when it’s totally normal for Ball Pythons to soak, and when you should be alarmed about your snake being in it’s water bowl too frequently or for too long. I found it interesting when you said to ask the breeder about the temperament of the different available snakes so that he can pick the most friendly one. To make sure they stay friendly and approachable, it’s best to handle your Ball Python at least a few times a week. This makes them easier to feed, maintain, and care for. Ball Pythons, like all animals, go to the bathroom. It’s sturdier many other organic substrate options and doesn’t present as much of an accidental ingestion risk. Here’s the basics of what you’ll need to get things right: 1. … Many snake owners see these pythons as close to an ideal pet. well if you really want a tamed snake you might want to hold it often. Although it’s recommended to handle your Ball Python frequently, there are certain times when it’s best to leave them be. 2. Snakes, in general, don’t need extra vitamin D to absorb calcium. Ability to adjust to the change in temperature due to the thick material. While there are many things worse than a ball python bite, I can’t say that I’d let them bite me for fun, either. “Distribution of Dopamine Immunoreactivity in the Fore-brain and Mid-brain of the Snake Python Regius: A Study with Antibodies against Dopamine.”. So instead of being fertilized right away, the female ball python will hold onto the … The short answer to this question is, “it depends”. Take, for example, lighting systems. Because the average length of a Ball Python differs between male and female, you’ll need to take that into account when getting your Ball Python enclosure set up. A 20 gallon tank should be more than enough for a Ball Python. Experts disagree on whether UVB helps their health at all, but the consensus is it won’t help much and isn’t needed. Ball pythons clearly fall into the latter category. While they love the warm-blooded warmth of your touch, sometimes Ball Pythons like to be left alone. It’s recommended to change substrate around once every month. 3. For an adult ball python, they can live comfortably in am enclosure with dimensions of 36 inch by 18 inch by 12 inch. For a medium-sized ball python, 15 gallons will be enough. There are a few types you can use, and definitely some you should avoid. How convenient is that? The right size food really depends on a case-by-case basis, as some Pythons prefer different sized rodents. Plus, you can get quantities of up to 100 frozen mice in one package, which should be enough to feed your snake for years to come. I will definitely share this article with my brother so that he can have a better idea of how to take care of a snake. Wishing your brother the best, as well as many happy years of snake ownership. Ball Pythons are by nature docile and reclusive animals. New snakes may not be used to being held. From the best terrarium/enclosure to how humid Ball Pythons prefer their environment… you’ll learn it all right here, right now. Don’t be alarmed if your BP rejects food during this time. It holds plenty of water, and will ensure that your Ball Python is hydrated and has plenty of room to soak.We find this water dish easy to clean, too. Plus, once you start feeding your Ball Python live mice, it can be difficult to transition them to frozen ones. Happy Serpent is not a medical resource. Ball Python cage size is key for a happy and healthy snake. Below are the steps you need to take to ensure that your Ball Python stays healthy and enjoys clean, fresh drinking water. Additionally, keep an eye out for any treated bedding or substrate that has been processed with chemicals. Inside a mammals brain(Such as a dog, or cat.) Eventually, you’ll need to incorporate different hides, caves, rocks, and other things into your Ball Python terrarium. Snake water bowls can be a breeding ground for slime and bacteria, it’s it’s really nice to be able to easily see any residue that should be cleaned and sanitized. Many users suggest this as a best option to construct the ball python tub. The light colored interior makes water mold and other residue easy to see, which is a huge plus. Place the water bowl on the cool side of the tank in a water bowl that cannot be tipped over by the ball python. At this point, you’re probably wondering if a Ball Python is right for you your kids. That will give them a chance to build up an appetite. It offers endless opportunities for enrichment, creating a beautiful landscape, and just letting your ball python live as naturally as possible.. Humidity: Bio-active soil is formulated to hold moisture and maintain appropriate levels of moisture.It does require occasional misting. A standard enclosure that is at least 36 inches long by 18 inches wide should do the trick.Also, if you are purchasing a baby Ball Python, you can start out with a smaller tank, shoebox, or any other temporary enclosure. With that in mind, it’s not like a dog or other pet that requires a ton of your time and dedication. i feed live prey in my ball pythons enclosure but i place the mouse in a deep flower pot, the mouse cant get out and when my snake is ready he will do his thing. The proper Ball Python enclosure size is typically a 20 gallon tank. Relatively early in my snake-keeping career, I had the “opportunity” to work with thousands of imported ball pythons (in those days, captive-bred ball pythons weren’t widely available). Secondly, Ball Python Care is typically pretty easy. Pros: Has handles at the both sides that can withstand any amount of weight. Also, I have shared your website in my social networks Plus, you don’t have to worry about what to do with a 10-15 foot long snake that still has growing to do down the road.It’s important to know what sex your Ball Python is before purchasing, because the sizes can be quite different. Sometimes a girl just isn’t ready for kids. When it comes to pet snakes, ball pythons are one of the most popular species. Getting the proper substrate (fancy word for bedding) is key to a happy Ball Python. Just because a ball python can go 6 months without food doesn’t mean that they should, so how often should you feed them? Being Albino Isn’t Actually All That Rare. Since Ball Pythons are a tropical snake, they require a specific temperature set up in their cage. Be cautious. If that doesn’t work, pour cold water on the python’s face or use a little Listerine and it will release on its own. They like to soak for a number of different reasons, and it’s very important to observe how often and for how long they spend in their water bowl. I have a male pastel over 2k grams and he doesn't want to breed. (Hint: the two options are frozen mice and live mice). Most snakes will thrive without them, but you may want to include them anyway to help show off your snake. Every time i try putting him with a female he starts flailing his body against the lid and then he tries to smash all the females. At very least, this will get you off the ground and able to house your new Ball Python! Ball Pythons can sometimes ingest substrate, and fine bedding like sand or wood chips that are too small can be dangerous for them. That’s right. Well, here’s some great news: Ball Pythons make a great beginner snake for first time owners. As for the solution you should use to disinfect the enclosure, we recommend Carolina Custom Cages Chlorhexidine Solution. Most ball pythons poop around 6-10 days after eating, but it can be longer than 10 days depending on ball python’s environment. This isn’t the case with ball pythons. In the wild, they spend a lot of time hiding out in trees and in enclosures. This is another reason why Ball Python care is fairly low commitment. This allows the snakes to not overheat, and it gives them a comfortable temperature to burrow and cool down. UG Rodents has a great product that comes in many different quantities of frozen mice. Many dorms do not accept snakes (or any pets for that matter). This is very common for wild-caught Ball Pythons but bred Ball Pythons are not all the same, in the manner that you can see them almost being kind, but sadly these won’t be necessarily true. The main reason it’s important to get the right Ball Python substrate is because something too small or toxic can be harmful to your pet. Also, the doors open from the front, so this terrarium makes it easy for you to feed your Ball Python. Do Snakes Sleep? Lastly, be aware of your Ball Python’s temperament when tempting to pick him or her up. Below you’ll find a quick overview of what you’ll need, and we provide a more in-depth heating/humidity guide further along in the post. Although they lack forms of emotion this does not stop the snake from “feeling” in a sense. He also isn't eating and had refused food the last five or six feedings. Usually, healthy Ball Pythons will eat more sparingly during dry, winter months. Not only are they one of the more docile species of snake, but they remain fairly small and are largely uncomplicated pets. If it seems abrasive or skeptical, it might be best to leave them be and try again a different day. You need to build trust with it, and this breed of snake is typically shy at first. It’s best to identify ones that could possibly be mean or aggressive before purchasing. If you have alternatives, don’t feed with mice at all. ... Watch for signals that the snake gives you; if it doesn’t seem to want to be held, it’s best not to handle them. 2. It’s very important that your Ball Pythons terrarium has properly regulated temperature. It’s a Specific Season. Cons: Doesn’t come with a lid. While every snake is an individual, most specimens calm down nicely and can be held without risk even by beginners. Aside from major medical conditions, snakes can refuse to eat for a multitude of reasons. Some snakes can have odd eating habits, and checking with the breeder can ensure your get a “normal” eater. That will be everything you need to get set up for your first Ball Python’s enclosure. Eventually, you will need to upgrade to a larger terrarium with the proper equipment for your Ball Python though. While Ball Pythons do require certain levels of care and interactivity, it’s much easier to take care of this type of animal and species compared to others.Also, if you’re buying your kid a Ball Python as a pet, know that the snake will likely stay alive long after your young one goes off to college. Rocks & Decor Cost It’s a case by case kind of thing, but the general rule is once every 10 to 14 days. They require a specific temperature set up for your Ball Python care and ownership that means Axanthic! Referred to “ morphs ”, and many other snakes ) relieve themselves fairly infrequently we... Habits, and are largely uncomplicated pets chemical is present it determines sensitive! Being picked up t feed mice to adult balls, unless that Ball Pythons ;... Dopamine. ” is n't eating and had refused food the last five or six feedings you off the and. 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