For me, it’s been a wonderful growth experience. Today, America shelters the second-largest Mexican community in the world, which follows Mexico itself. Country music and Rancheros (Mexican music) sound very alike just in different languages. The dimensions of diversity seem to be at the root of many conflicts as differences arise amongst individuals maintaining different forms of these core differences. Difference between Mexican and American Culture Essay Sample. Whereas in America we have one last name and when a woman gets married it changes to her husband’s last name. Even though both cities get all four seasons, it feels as if one receives more then the other. Hispanic food traditions in Spain are more “sacred and ritualistic” than American food traditions. For example, much of the food you might think of as "mexican" -- tacos, etc, are decidedly american. Both of these literary works have a shared theme of change and social conflict. Many different cultures celebrate diversity and universal traditions. Not having to learn an entirely new set of symbols and sounds is always a relief. A major difference between the music of Spain and that of Latin America is the message they tend to convey. Botellonas - the pre-drinking of Spain. American food can also be thought of as an amalgamation of different food types -- kind of like America itself. Not having to learn an entirely new set of symbols and sounds is always a relief. Discussed will be the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial statuses of these four groups. Musical Culture. Mexican, Phoenix White people and Mexicans love cowboy culture. I. Early Paleoamerican peoples then split into tribes spreading throughout North America. The Observation: Growing up in a predominantly Hispanic community, I’ve noticed many similarities and differences between the hispanic and more American food culture. Conclusion: The cultural comparisons between the two cultural categories can go on and on without any sign of stopping any soon. However, both works were written at different times in history. July 25, 2010 The marketplace in Spain and Spanish speaking countries is a lively and colorful place. There are similarities among Spanish-speaking countries because, first, Latin American countries were conquered by the Spaniards. Americans are somewhat closed minded on the other cultures present in this Speaking of parties, let’s talk about the cultural differences … Language United States: In the United States, there is no federally recognized language, but over half of the 50 states have recognized American English as their official language. The climate between both cities are undeniably different, but have some similarities. focus specifically on the culture similarities and differences of Mexican Americans, The cultural differences observed between the Hispanics and the Anglo-Americans are reflected most in the familial affiliation, language, and religion. Tacos, tamales, tortillas, and similar items are now infused into American culture because of popular restaurants like Taco Bell. Cookies and milk, churros, or a chocolate nutella sandwich are among the most popular breakfast foods for Spanish children. The people of these areas Americans will usually have the game playing in the background just to keep track of what is happening. Outside of my own experiences attending an American school, I have spent a lot of time at several Latina Author Lucila Ortiz Smith pointed out a long list of them. Knowing the practices and cultural differences in other groups can It was to be a traditional Mexican wedding and since I had never been to a Mexican wedding I knew I would experience some cultural differences such as language barrier, wedding services, and family interactions. American food is more often accompanied by rolls. The shared theme of change for these two works is the change that is taking place in America concerning black Americans and civil rights in “The Times They Are A-Changin” and Latin Americans and equal rights, Influence of Heritage on Current Culture Since it has always been a very safe country, parents let their kids go out and party until late at night since teenagers. Of course this is not the only restaurant in the U.S. that makes these Latin cuisine items famous, and there are lots more other than the aforementioned corn-based foods, such as the well-loved condiments pico de gallo, salsa, and guacamole. Even though the American culture and Mexican culture have similarities, they are more different than alike. Culture allows for groups of people to come together with similar interests and backgrounds to come share one common ground. Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony, which is why there are so many things in common between Spanish and Mexican people. Hispanics though, will choose a team no matter who is playing, I remember going to my girlfriend’s house who is, My Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education, Cynthia Rylant's Everything Will Be Okay : The Power Of A Dream Essay, The Setting Of The Novel Of Fahrenheit 451, By Ray Bradbury. Europeans and Native Americans looked, dressed, and thought differently in fundamental ways that lead to misunderstandings and even violence between them. Several cultures produced an idea of the state. The Hispanic and American cultures have many similarities and many differences. I spoke absolutely no Spanish and very few people at the wedding spoke English. Spanish surnames are usually composed of the father's surname followed by the mother's surname. This paper will focus on the most dominant immigration cultures in America; Asian and Hispanic and American Indians. Both negatively relate to Racial Intolerance, acrimony among Americans today with a great deal of the focus being directed toward individuals identified with Hispanic cultures (Guittierrez, 2006). ... My guess is that it was a blending of both Spanish and Native American culture. For this reason, you will see very young teenagers drunk at bars, nightclubs or in the streets. It is true that the Spanish are a very child loving nation and this is evident when you walk down the street and children are acknowledged by adults. Updated : 2019-05-04 . Read on to learn more about the differences between Mexican and American culture. Hispanic American community are rooted from their origins in Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and other Spanish speaking countries that have come together and form a culture in the United State of America. Each country has its own style and tone when using Spanish. help prevent misunderstanding and tension between the groups. themselves with. Often, we do not examine our own cultural ideals and customs until we are exposed to another culture. American culture is based from people who came from the European countries like Italy and the Great Britain. Male chauvinism in Latin men separates them clearly from Americans. However, I was fortunate for having my friend with me who did speak Spanish, different types of climates,different types of recreational habits, as well as different types of cultures. Yet it is easy to see the differences between Mexican and Spanish people. ... Certain Latin American subgroups have had waves of migration from their countries before or after the 1990s. In Mexico and America they serve dishes with meat. A "tortilla" is actually an omelette in Spain. Spanish tú and usted correspond etymologically to Portuguese tu and você , but Portuguese has gained a third, even more formal form o(s) senhor(es), a(s) senhora(s) , demoting você to an "equalizing" rather than respectful register. There are many similarities between Hispanic and American cultures. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) determined in 2010 that only the ñconstitutes a sep… According to the Census Bureau 3.2% or approximately 138,563 people in the state of Kentucky are Hispanic, and 8.1% or approximately 317,653, this terminology has come to represent these six dimensions. The British Intolerance of Children. fully educate myself on the various cultures surrounding my educational district, by doing this I hope to better accommodate all students in my classroom. Whether its food, religion, language, politics, marriages, sports, family, hobbies, or technology; Americans share some of the same things as Hispanics. Introduction American culture versus Hispanic culture has some similarities and differences. While both, Hispanics and Americans, share many similarities they both differ in recognition of religion, language,…show more content…. Bars are open until 2 or 3 in the morning and nightclubs close around 6. Hispanics in America are a huge influence on American culture. America, A Narrative History Essay 1425 Words | 6 Pages. So in Spain, the minimum legal drinking age is 18. Successful communication between healthcare providers and their patients from different cultural backgrounds depends on developing awareness of the cultural values of patients. Mexican food vs. American food Compare and Contrast Compare: In Mexican dishes they use corn and beans like most americans. However, there is a lot more to being Hispanic than just speaking Spanish or eating rice and beans, Culture cannot be defined because it is completely unique to the individual. In particular, the U.S. Hispanic population gives more room for such comparisons since their cultures and traditions are very similar. As many immigrants arrive in the United States of America and begin to call it “home”, comparisons between such immigrants are certainly inevitable. Cultural diversity is very important for every, Compare and Contrast Between Hispanic Culture and American Culture When I decided to come to Spain, I knew it would be somewhat of a culture shock. We speak of Latinos and Hispanics as a group because the sub-groups have similar cultural commonalities. There is greater religious diversity in America leading to secularism being dominant in America. From the perspective of an American business model, it hardly seems efficient, but the tapas sure are tasty. Anthropology 101 When you think of a "tortilla," you probably imagine a flat … -Both countries believe in the value of education, both teach the same subjects, many of the clothes we wear are the same as well as similar food and a value of religion plus much of American and Mexican culture blend together in certain places in the US which also makes the transition to American culture … After lunch they nap or do other family activities then return to work at about four o'clock when it’s cooler. Same for Italian Food - the Modern Pizza (as we know it today) was invented in Chicago. There is no denying this fact. The numerous stands and booths sell every kind of merchandise from food and drink to clothing and souvenirs. The differences in the Spanish language are the first thing that comes to mind when talking about the cultural differences in Latin America. Culture is something that we choose to create which helps identify ourselves as a person. African American Culture And Spanish Culture 1536 Words | 7 Pages. While the Spanish alphabet has an extra letter and symbol to learn on top of the English alphabet, it has a lot more in common than not. When preparing myself for my semester in Spain, I read blogs and articles on everything, from the regional Spanish slang to the best place to get a haircut. what are some similarities and differences between Hispanic culture and American culture. The Fun & Perplexing Cultural Differences Between Latin American Countries Published on May 26, 2017 May 26, 2017 • 25 Likes • 0 Comments Told you, literally a sweet life. Mexicans also eat beef, pork, and chicken. Because of the island’s proximity and climatic similarity to Florida, and Miami’s large Cuban population, Miami and Cuba enjoy several cultural similarities. The topics I have chosen to explore are marketplaces, the use of last names, the custom of taking naps, and family structure. Both places have three meals a day. Though it is a difficult adjustment to the culture, it is not an impossible one. Business people shut their doors at about one o'clock and go home to eat lunch with their families. The American and Spanish current political situations side-by-side, we realize some of the traditional western democracies are having trouble facing social changes. Especially when it comes to media and entertainment. But guess what, you will never get carded. Hispanic American Diversity ETH 125 Cultural Diversity Both similarities and differences exist within the Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Central-South American cultures. I personally love Hispanic food (especially when it’s home cooked). In the future it is going to be important for people to become more bilingual so as a society we can all communicate well with each other. The first barrier that I encountered was the language barrier. However, writing this article showed me that the differences seem to outweigh the similarities. One finds a lot of Spanish influence on culture in Mexico such as bull fights, foods like Spanish rice, and yes, Catholic Religion. (Llapur, 2003) A majority of Hispanics identify as practicing religion. The differences between the Spanish school and the American school are quite parallel to the differences between the Spanish language and the American language – sure, you might find some similarities here and there but when you get down to it, they don’t have much in common. American musical genres, such as blues, rock 'n' roll, jazz and hip-hop have inspired Spanish versions, but significant differences remain between the two musical cultures. American culture is derived from people who originated from the European nations like Italy and the Great Britain. Spanish children live a sweet life. Spanish Conquest of America: When the Spaniards arrived in America, they found highly developed peoples and cultures that lived there. June 14, 2011 That knowledge helps build a phonemic and phonological foundation. If we spend our entire lives in our comfort zones, we will never know what we are like outside of them. Country. Also, the Spanish introduced Christianity to the Latin Americas, since Catholicism plays a huge role in Latin American culture. Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central and South Americans. The topics I have chosen to explore are marketplaces, the use of last names, the custom of taking naps, and family structure. My paper will review briefly the Spanish culture and evaluate the contrast and similarities between them and African Americans. Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.It is essential for nurses to provide culturally sensitive care to each and every patient in order to establish repor and maintain a safe working relationship with each individual. In Spanish, a last name is not called a last name it is called apellido or “surname” in English. Drinking and partying is very present in the Spanish culture. You’re sitting in a chair getting your hair cut by a new, but local barber, when you notice him insulting an African American individual who was right beside you and who undoubtedly did nothing wrong, under his breath. In 2 complete Spanish paragraphs, discuss in detail a few of those similarities and differences. 6 Differences Between Mexican and American Work Culture By 2018 Christianson Fellow Nikki Stoumen I’m currently living in Mexico City and volunteering full-time at Asylum Access , a refugee-rights NGO with headquarters in San Francisco, with the … The British Intolerance of Children. The customer is often expected to reject the first price that is asked and to haggle with the vendor until he or she reduces the price. We do not leave work to go home and take a nap or do other, Explore the Ways Sherriff Uses the Horrors of War in ‘Journey’s End’ for Dramatic Effect. In the early hours of the afternoon, when the intense heat of the sun discourages physical activity, people take a rest period, la siesta. The nurse can do, in discussing the differences between groups and also within groups. Examples and illustrations will be shown. Typically, the music of Spain is great for the various carnivals and live concerts. The easiest example would be racial differences between groups such as African American and Caucasian Americans. You Know More Than You Think! Culture can can be based on things such as language, religion, and tradition or customs that we were raised in. Despite the differences between these two systems, we can see a common feature in them. You won’t find an “American” McDonald’s breakfast in Madrid, because Spanish people just won’t eat that. spanish explorers faced when attempting to conquer new lands. Philippine Spanish (Spanish: Español Filipino, Castellano Filipino) is a variant of standard Spanish spoken in the Philippines. Disparity and Discrimination has a major influence on American society today. Most of the Hispanic groups in the United States have very strong family bonds, they subscribe to the Catholic faith and that they speak Spanish. Each country will be explained in terms, Those of Spanish-speaking descent have all experienced one of the following at least once in their lives: “Did you make those tacos yourself?”, “Are you Mexican?” When realization hits that this individual speaks a second language they ask, “So you speak Spanish?” or, “Say something in Spanish for me.” Followed by an awkward response of something that hardly skates passed a mere “Hola.” A rather important misconception coincides with the idea that all “Latinos” derive from Mexico, a colossal assumption, Hispanic cultures in the United States The cultural differences observed between the Hispanics and the Anglo-Americans are reflected most in the familial affiliation, language, and religion. center of the culture. American musical genres, such as blues, rock 'n' roll, jazz and hip-hop have inspired Spanish versions, but significant differences remain between the two musical cultures. Hispanic and Latin Americans come from diverse social, economic, and geographic backgrounds making them all very different depending on their family heritage and national origin. However, there some cultural similarities that tend to bring these diverse backgrounds together. However, while the overarching culture of being Latin American is seen everywhere, so are the differences between each country. Small minded people are less likely to accept others for their differences, while stubborn people won’t allow the way other individuals feel to affect their own opinion. Latino Culture. Dustin R. Johnson Throughout the world there are many different cultures. In Asian cultures language and the ways they communicate differ from American ways and can lead to dissatisfaction of care if poorly, Similarities Between Hispanic And American Culture, Cultural differences and similarities characterize human societies everywhere in the world. Among the many cultural differences between these two countries, diet is one of the biggest. Introduction The differences between the Spanish school and the American school are quite parallel to the differences between the Spanish language and the American language – sure, you might find some similarities here and there but when you get down to it, they don’t have much in common. Spanish children have it made. Now, almost all Americans love sports having the biggest two be football and baseball. Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Spanish Americans are four of these groups that, way they act. White people love trucks so do Mexicans. This is completely based upon my opinion, as I’ve grown up amongst Hispanic relatives and friends. Cultural Similarities Family values, such as familismo, are an integral part of the Latino culture. Blanche Cook There is a misconception among many Americans that all Hispanic cultures are identical in religion, linguistic, political, social, and family conventions and this misconception too often leads to biases and prejudices that create barriers. Finally, this section discussed how oppression occurs within these dimensions and how different marginalized individuals have experienced and fight against their oppressors within, I. Rachel Burke 6 Similarities Between Spanish and English 1. While Spanish music is often characterized by celebrations and spirited dances, Latin American music tend to convey their collective struggles and goals. Even now in the United States, the family has been redefined. The culture is built in different categories; for instance, religion, social custom, health practices their privacy, and birth. A big majority of Mexico is christian or catholic. Hispanic cultures and population has experienced an immense growth in the past decade in the United States of America. ______________________________ Mexico and the USA share a common border of around 3,141 km on the northern side of Mexico. While Spanish music is often characterized by celebrations and spirited dances, Latin American music tend to convey their collective struggles and goals. Cultural identity, Differences Between Island and Mainland Puerto Ricans La Siesta. A significant majority of Hispanics origin is in Mexico and the few Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean. Buzzle tells you the key differences and similarities between the Chinese and American cultures. So here’s a cultural difference for you: when the children were being read their activities they cheered when they heard mini golf. It is a cultural commonality among Hispanics due to the religious A major difference between the music of Spain and that of Latin America is the message they tend to convey. Cultural Similarities and Differences Mexico and Puerto Rico are two popular countries of South America. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and a time for the family to gather together. They share the passionate language of Spanish, … The use of second-person pronouns differs dramatically between Spanish and Portuguese, and even more so between European and Brazilian Portuguese. With each group there are many similarities and differences. In 2006 it was estimated that the Hispanic cover 11 % of the population in North America. This paper will In America we are too busy and consumed with time to stop working and eat lunch with our families. (U.S. Cen-sus Bureau, 2011) 3.1% of Latinos are 65 years and older. The same letters. First of all, both languages use the Roman alphabet. Are like outside of them people shut their doors at about one o'clock and go home to eat with... Each culture ’ s home cooked ) performance or game is happening the mother 's surname purely! 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