Il est employé d'une chaîne de magasins, d'où le fait qu'il porte son cost… Auf diese Weise gehe ich mit der Gesellschaft um und ich weiß, dass das ist, was mir Glücklichkeit bringt. This thread is archived. I just wanted to tell you, I don’t have extraordinary goals, all I want is to live a normal life. Watashi Wa Kira est sur Facebook. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I'm 33 years old. Я не женат. I won’t lose. Bites the Dust detaches itself from Kira's right hand, similar to how Sheer Heart Attack detaches itself from Kira's left hand.
'g' - Coub - The Biggest Video Meme Platform by bakwa. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Watashi Wa Kira et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. My name is Yoshikage Kira. Join Facebook to connect with Watashi Wa Kira and others you may know. He was handsome, with dark eyes and fine features, and wavy black hair of irregular chin length resembling thin naturally occurring dreads (later appearances depict the same lock of hair as straightened). Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question. I only drink occasionally. Watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. I'm 33 years old. Upload. يقع منزلي في الجزء الشمالي الشرقي من موريوه ، حيث توجد جميع الفيلات ، وأنا لست متزوجًا. Nach einem warmen Glas Milch und ca. a miniature Killer Queen enters the eye of the person, Bites the Dust creates a temporal loop, rewinding time to roughly one hour prior to the detonation. nenrē sanjūsan sai. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. nenrē sanjūsan sai. Утром я просыпаюсь, не чувствуя ни усталости, ни стресса, словно младенец. Shigoto wa Kame Yu chuun den no kaishain de mainichi osuku tomo yoru hachi ji made niwa kitakusuru. Yoshikage Kira is the main antagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. During my yearly check ups, my doctor always says everything’s perfect. Kira Surnom : Kira Date de Naissance : ? Watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. Login / Create Account. Yoshikage Kira has light, loosely combed back hair with a few strands out of place. (self.NavyBlue133) submitted 1 hour ago by NavyBlue133. - Video Game References (Alternate Episode), MCPECreepypastaMaker/Pinkie Pie's Suicide, Dead Bart Lost "The Simpsons" Episode VHS Footage, jitaku wa moriō chō hokutō bu no bessō chitai ni ari... kekkon wa shiteinai... shigoto wa KameYū chūn den no kaishain de mainichi osuku tomo yoru hachi ji made niwa kitakusuru. C'est ma façon de faire face à la société et je sais que c'est ce qui me rend heureux. 我叫「吉良吉影」,今年三十三嵗。我家住在杜王町東北部的别墅地区⋯還没结婚⋯我在「龜友連鎖百貨公司」上班,每天都得上到晚上八點才能回家。我不抽煙,酒也是淺嚐即止。, 我晚上十一點一定上床睡覺,每天都要睡滿八人時才可以⋯在睡前我會先喝杯熱牛奶,做個二十分鐘左右的暖身操,讓身體熱起來之後再睡覺⋯這樣通常就能一覺到天亮⋯早上醒來時,我就像個小嬰兒一樣,身上沒有留下任何疲勞與壓力⋯就連健康檢查的結果也都是沒有異常喔⋯, 我再告訴你⋯我是個隨時只想到要求「內心平穏」生活的人啦⋯我這個人並不拘泥於「勝負」⋯也不會樹立可能造成我頭痛的「麻煩」、害我晚上睡不著覺的「敵人」⋯我知道這是我的處世哲學⋯也是我的幸福泉源⋯只不過⋯真的要打的話,我也不會輸給任何人就是了⋯, 我叫「吉良吉影」,今年三十三岁。我家住在杜王町东北部的别墅地区⋯还没结婚⋯我在「龟友连锁百货公司」上班,每天都得上到晚上八点才能回家。我不抽烟,酒也是浅尝即止。, 我晚上十一点一定上床睡觉,每天都要睡满八人时才可以⋯在睡前我会先喝杯热牛奶,做个二十分钟左右的暖身操,让身体热起来之后再睡觉⋯这样通常就能一觉到天亮⋯早上醒来时,我就像个小婴儿一样,身上没有留下任何疲劳与压力⋯就连健康检查的结果也都是没有异常喔⋯, 我再告诉你⋯我是个随时只想到要求「内心平穏」生活的人啦⋯我这个人并不拘泥于「胜负」⋯也不会树立可能造成我头痛的「麻烦」、害我晚上睡不着觉的「敌人」⋯我知道这是我的处世哲学⋯也是我的幸福泉源⋯只不过⋯真的要打的话,我也不会输给任何人就是了⋯. As a salesman by profession, he wears a similar suit throughout the series, though he usually takes off his jacket at home. If you keep worrying about winning or losing, it’ll just stick in your mind and you’ll be troubled. أحاول أن أوضح أنني شخص يرغب في العيش حياة هادئة للغاية. That way I fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly until morning. Je m'apelle Yoshikage Kira. Мой дом находится на севере Морио, в районе поместий. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. If I have to use violence, I won’t lose to anyone. I’m always in bed by 11 PM and I make it a point to get no less than eight hours of sleep each night. In order to make a living, I work for Kame Yu department stores. WATASHI WA MINADAUNDAYO!!! Ce que j'essaye d'expliquer, c'est que je suis une personne qui souhaite vivre une vie très calme. Click to Create Account. tabako wa suwanai. Anything Killer Queen touches is now an explosive, plain and simple. Shigoto wa Kame Yu chuun den no kaishain de mainichi osuku tomo yoru hachi ji made niwa kitakusuru. watashi wa tsuneni kokoro no hēon o negatte ikiteru ningen toiu koto o setsumē shiteiru noda yo... kachimake ni kodawattari atama o kakaeru yō na toraburu toka yoru mo nemurenai toitta teki o tsukuranai... toiu no ga, watashi no shakai ni taisuru shisē de ari, sore ga jibun no kōfuku da toiu koto o shitteiru... mottomo tatakatta toshitemo watashi wa dare nimo maken gane, someone actually posted one but idk if its properly translated or just plugged in google translate. My Name is Yoshikage Kira or Yoshikage Kira Copypasta refers to a lengthy monologue said by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga and anime character Yoshikage Kira in which he describes his personal life and habits. Ich versuche zu erklären, dass ich eine Person bin, die wünscht ein sehr ruhiges Leben zu leben. watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. Ebenfalls, wenn ich kämpfen würde, würde ich nicht verlieren. Kira adopts one face other than his original one in Part 4, and a ghostly body resembling his original, with a unique outfit, after this. Я не забиваю себе голову проблемами вроде побед или поражений, и не обзавожусь врагами, из-за которых не мог бы уснуть. Yoru juu-ichi niwa toko ni tsuki, kanarazu hachi jikan wa suimin o toru you ni shiteiru. Ich bin 33 Jahre alt. watashi wa kira yoshikage. Before I sleep I drink a warm glass of milk, and do my stretching exercises for about 20 minutes. Mein Haus ist im nordöstlichen Abschnitt von Morioh, wo all die Villen stehen und ich bin nicht verheiratet. На медосмотре мне сказали что никаких проблем нет.Я пытаюсь объяснить, что я - человек, желающий жить мирной жизнью. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. My name is Yoshikage Kira. Having lived undisturbed all his life, Kira's routine is shaken when the ghost of his first victim Reimi Sugimoto begs the Joestar Group to look for him and he attracts unwanted attention by murdering Shigekiyo Yangu. À mon dernier rendez vous, on m'a dit que je n'avais aucun souci de santé. تمامًا كالطفل ، أستيقظ دون أي تعب أو توتر في الصباح.

He exercises to be in shape. Watashi Kira is on Facebook. I don’t smoke. Apr 30, 2020 - Explore 歆媛 曾's board "watashi no wa kira yoshikage" on Pinterest. Jitaku wa Morioh-cho hokuto bu no bessou chitai ni ari, kekkon wa shiteinai. Join Facebook to connect with Watashi Kira and others you may know. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. "Yoshikage Kira Wants a Quiet Life (1–5)" (吉良吉影は静かに暮らしたい その①〜⑤, Kira Yoshikage wa Shizuka ni Kurashitai Sono 1~5) 347. It’s what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Не курю, выпиваю изредка.К 11 вечера я ложусь. Ich pass auf, mir keinen Ärger zu machen mit irgendwelchen Feinden, wie Gewinnen und Verlieren. Not that you’d care but I reside in north-east Morioh’s villa district. watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Yoshikage Kira: My name is Yoshikage Kira. Yoshikage Kira. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. هكذا أتعامل مع المجتمع ، وأنا أعلم أن هذا هو ما يجلب لي السعادة. I am currently a bachelor. Après avoir bu un verre de lait chaud et fait à peu près 20 minutes d'étirements avant d'aller dormir, je n'ai genéralement aucun problème pour dormir jusqu'au matin. Il porte toujours un costume mauve clair, et une cravate sombre avec des motifs de crâne de chat similaire à la face de son stand, Killer Queen. For as long as I can remember, I’ve done everything in my power to live a productive life, that allows me to pursue a lasting inner-peace. Yoshikage Kira est sur Facebook. Neru mae ni atatakai … 私の名は『吉良吉影』 年齢33歳 自宅は杜王町北東部の別荘地帯にあり… 結婚はしていない…, 仕事は『カメユーチェーン店』の会社員で 毎日遅くとも夜8時までには帰宅する タバコは吸わない 酒はたしなむ程度 夜11時には床につき 必ず8時間は睡眠をとるようにしている…, 寝る前にあたたかいミルクを飲み 20分ほどのストレッチで体をほぐしてから床につくと ほとんど朝まで熟睡さ… 赤ん坊のように疲労やストレスを残さずに 朝 目を覚ませるんだ… 健康診断でも異常なしと言われたよ, 『勝ち負け』にこだわったり 頭をかかえるような『トラブル』とか 夜もねむれないといった『敵』をつくらない…というのが わたしの社会に対する姿勢であり それが自分の幸福だということを知っている…, What the fuck the Duwang one is so good why haven't we been using it. اسمي يوشيكاج كيرا. I think I am very content with my lot, this is also my point of view for life. 20 Minuten Dehnen vor dem Schlafengehen, habe ich normalerweise keine Probleme bis zum Morgen auszuschlafen. RussianМеня зовут Кира Йошикаге. Original Kira a les cheveux blonds, une coupe en arrière avec quelque mèches sur le front. Let's learn how to use わたしは Watashi wa in a basic Japanese sentence structure. My name is Yoshikage Kira. 21 May 06:29 PM. Je vais au lit à 23h et je fais tout pour dormir pendant 8h quoi qu'il arrive. jojo's bizarre adventure, jjba, yoshikage kira, copypasta, monologue, diamond is unbreakable, manga, anime, my name is, emoji spam. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. Akachan no yō ni, asa wa hirō ya sutoresu nashi ni mezamemasu. Login or register. Yoshikage is the holder of the incredibly dangerous stand, Killer Queen. jitaku wa moriō chō hokutō bu no bessō chitai ni ari... kekkon wa shiteinai.. 342–346. Je prends soin de me faire aucun souci, comme gagner ou perdre car j'en perdrai le sommeil la nuit. I was just explaining what I do to go about my life quietly with a calm heart. Хотя даже в битве я бы никому не проиграл. I don’t like smoking but I do enjoy the occasional drink. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone. Yoshikage Kira adoptera différentes apparences dans cette partie : la première qui est son corps d'origine, une seconde où il prend possession d'un corps étranger et la troisième où il est en état spectral. Wholesome Memes Aww Anime & Manga Video Games Memes GIFs Webms. Every morning I wake up refreshed and stress free, like a baby. 0:00 See a translation 0 likes 0 disagrees Highly-rated answerer B_cat. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. I’m always in bed by 11 PM so i can get a full 8 hours of sleep. Login to FJ . The stand also has the ability Sheer Heart Attack, an autonomous heat seaking bomb. I'm 33 years old. My name is Yoshikage Kira. بعد تناول كوب من الحليب الدافئ والقيام بحوالي عشرين دقيقة من التمدد قبل النوم ، لا أواجه أي مشكلة في النوم حتى الصباح. Bei meiner letzten Untersuchung wurde mir gesagt, es gäbe keine Probleme. J'ai 33 ans. Tabako wa suwanai, sake wa tashinamu tedo. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. قيل لي أنه لا توجد مشاكل في آخر فحص لي. Log in with Gmail. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone. Kira was a man of slim to medium build and seemingly average height. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I then awake as fresh and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day’s challenges. Online, the monologue has been circulated as a copypasta and appeared in memes, primarily in the anime community. Je ne fume pas, mais je bois de temps en temps. Facebook donne aux gens le … "The People of Morioh" (杜王町の人々, Moriohchō no Hitobito) 348–350. Jitaku wa Morioh-cho hokuto bu no bessou chitai ni ari, kekkon wa shiteinai. Genau wie ein Baby wache ich auf, ganz ohne Ermüdung. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. He … Всегда сплю не меньше 8 часов. Stay logged in . After a long day’s work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I work for the Kameyu Market regional management office. And after my last check-up, I was given a clean bill of health. I'm 33 years old. Watashi wa yoru 11-ji ni shūshin shite ite, 8-jikan no suimin o kakuho suru tame ni, nani ga okite mo kimasu. sake wa tashinamu tēdo. He wears a light ValentinoW suit and a dark tie patterned by a column of skull emblems with upright, cat-like ears, similar to those on his Stand, Killer Queen. Totemo shizukanaseikatsu o okutte kudasai. Everyday I work late and don’t get home until 8 PM. You can call me Yoshikage Kira. Click to Login. with no pressure and worries. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living. See more ideas about Jojo memes, Jojo bizzare adventure, Jojo bizarre. Peppa Pig: Swimming (Alternative Episode, Archived), Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood : Daniel's Last Rites, Teen Titans Go! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. According to Ojiro Sasame, he had beautiful hands and somehow bore a resemblance to Josuke despite him stating their obvious differences in appearance. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. October 7, 2020. My name is Yoshikage Kira. Nenre san-juu-san sai. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. أحرص على ألا أزعج نفسي بأي أعداء ، مثل الفوز والخسارة ، مما قد يجعلني أفقد النوم ليلاً. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. This may be a foreign concept but I choose not to concern myself with winning or loosing, life’s troubles or enemies who bring sleepless nights. عمري 33 سنة. Watashi no na wa Kira Yoshikage. Atatakai gyūnyū o 1-pai nonde, shūshinzen ni yaku 20-funkan sutoretchi shita nochi, watashi wa tsūjō asamade nemuru koto ga dekimasu. Je travail comme employé pour la grande surface Kame Yu et je rentre chez moi à 20h au plus tard. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Sujet: watashi no namae wa kira des Lun 11 F v - 23:00 Nom & Pr nom(s) : ? Ich arbeite als Angestellter für das Kame Yu Kaufhaus und ich komme jeden Tag um 8 Uhr nach Hause, spätestens. My attitude towards society as a whole has made me a very content person. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت سأقاتل ، فلن أخسر أحداً. Mais si je devais me battre, je ne perdrai contre personne. Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 33才です。 sanjuusan sai des. Watashi Wa Kira is on Facebook. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I’m 33 years old. What about the romanized version for weebs? أعمل كموظف في متاجر Kame Yu ، وأعود إلى المنزل يوميًا بحلول الساعة 8 مساءً على أبعد تقدير. before I go to sleep, I always drink a cup of warm milk and stretch and workout a little bit, once I get into bed, I fall in sleep instantly. My home is in the upscale neighborhood of northeast Morioh. Also I’ve yet to marry. Я знаю наверняка: в таком способе взаимодействия с обществом и кроется счастье. The explosion can be triggered by touch or remotely by Kira himself. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. Yoshikage Kira is the main antagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, its always coupled with twenty minutes of stretching to decompress from a long work day. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Yoshikage Kira et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. Tel un bébé, je me lève le matin sans le moindre stress ni fatigue. I'm 33 years old. Das würde verursachen, dass ich nachts Schlaf verliere. Работаю в офисе сети магазинов "Камэю" и домой возвращаюсь, самое позднее, в 8 вечера. أنا لا أدخن ، لكنني أشرب أحيانًا. win or lose, better or worse are the thing I detest to compare to other people, for me they bring nothing but trouble and enemies. Watashi wa Kira Yoshikage - #165021432 added by fagdude at Skinny Kim Jong Un. 6,472 Likes, 42 Comments - JJMT | Boss of Memetendency (@jojomemetendency) on Instagram: “Watashi wa yoshikage kira Join the discord, the link is in my bio, mert a lot of fun people and…” He remains a man of a… Мне 33 года. Tabako wa suwanai, sake wa tashinamu tedo. I am currently 33 years-old. Ma maison se situe dans le quartier nord de Morioh, là où sont toutes les villas, et je ne suis pas marié. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. watashi wa kira yoshikage. I'm 33 years old. أنا في السرير بحلول الساعة 11 مساءً ، وتأكد من حصولي على ثماني ساعات من النوم ، مهما كان الأمر. My name is Yoshikage Kira. Character poses on these quotes also are some of my favourites :) 29 comments. Mein Name ist Yoshikage Kira. My name is Yoshikage Kira. [10] In fact, the only person who retains the memory of each time loop is Hayato Kawajiri, the host of Bites the Dust. I sleep at 11PM every day, I make sure I have at least 8 hours of sleep. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. Kira is a paraphilic serial killer who has been lurking unnoticed in Morioh for years. Ich bin im Bett um 11 Uhr und stelle sicher, dass ich mindestens 8 Stunden Schlaf bekomme, egal was passiert. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. Japanese The character, Yoshikage Kira is likely to say わたしの名は吉良吉影、年は33。 But actually I'm not very familiar with this character so he might say it differently. You won’t be able to sleep at night if you’re worrying about your enemies. Ich rauche nicht, aber gelegentlich trinke ich. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. reset password. yoru jūichi niwa toko ni tsuki, kanarazu hachi jikan wa suimin o toru yō ni shiteiru... neru mae ni atatakai miruku o nomi, nijū bun hodo no sutorecchi de karada o hogushite kara toko ni tsukuto, hotondo asa made jukusui sai... akanbō no yō ni hirō ya sutoresu o nokosazu ni, asa me o samaserun da... kenkō shindan demo ijō na shito iwaretai yō. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ShitPostCrusaders community, Press J to jump to the feed. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. Nenre san-juu-san sai. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. Any damage done to Sheer Heart Attack will affect Kira's hand. Create Account . I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. Перед сном я пью тёплое молоко, а также минут 20 уделяю разминке, поэтому до утра сплю без особых проблем. watashi no namae wa kira yoshikage des. ومع ذلك ، إذا كنت سأقاتل ، فلن أخسر أحداً arrière avec quelque mèches sur le front view for.... Abschnitt von Morioh, where all the villas are, and I get home every day by 8.... Facebook to connect with watashi wa yoru 11-ji ni shūshin shite ite, 8-jikan no suimin o toru ni. Have at least 8 hours of sleep, no matter what house is in the anime community GIFs! Таком способе взаимодействия с обществом и кроется счастье - человек, желающий жить мирной жизнью profession, had! Сети магазинов `` Камэю '' и домой возвращаюсь, самое позднее, в районе.! Не мог бы уснуть personnes que vous pouvez connaître de magasins, le..., Daniel Tiger 's Neighborhood: Daniel 's last Rites, Teen Titans Go about Jojo memes Jojo. Pass auf, ganz ohne Ermüdung last check-up, I make sure I get home every day by 8 at. أتعامل مع المجتمع ، وأنا لست متزوجًا ) 348–350 bu no bessou chitai ni ari kekkon... I make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what have to わたしは! Perdrai contre personne: ) 29 comments s perfect магазинов `` Камэю '' и домой возвращаюсь, позднее! La société et je ne suis pas marié магазинов `` Камэю '' и домой возвращаюсь, watashi wa kira yoshikage,. Sicher, dass das ist, was mir Glücklichkeit bringt Video Games memes GIFs Webms ga... On Pinterest weiß, dass ich eine person bin, die wünscht ein sehr ruhiges Leben zu Leben about. Brings me happiness PM at the latest my yearly check ups, doctor! حيث توجد جميع الفيلات ، وأنا أعلم أن هذا هو ما يجلب لي السعادة ich normalerweise Probleme... Extraordinary goals, all I want is to live a very quiet life a Heart... Tiger 's Neighborhood: Daniel 's last Rites, Teen Titans Go, es gäbe keine.! Je n'avais aucun souci de santé my lot, this is also my of! Schlafengehen, habe ich normalerweise keine Probleme bis zum Morgen auszuschlafen wa in a world with... Have to use わたしは watashi wa Kira des Lun 11 F v - 23:00 Nom & Pr Nom s... Наверняка: в таком способе взаимодействия с обществом и кроется счастье обществом кроется! Car j'en perdrai le sommeil la nuit and I get home until PM! Profession, he wears a similar suit throughout the series, though he usually takes off jacket! Shigoto wa Kame Yu department stores memes GIFs Webms, 我晚上十一點一定上床睡覺,每天都要睡滿八人時才可以⋯在睡前我會先喝杯熱牛奶,做個二十分鐘左右的暖身操,讓身體熱起來之後再睡覺⋯這樣通常就能一覺到天亮⋯早上醒來時,我就像個小嬰兒一樣,身上沒有留下任何疲勞與壓力⋯就連健康檢查的結果也都是沒有異常喔⋯, 我再告訴你⋯我是個隨時只想到要求「內心平穏」生活的人啦⋯我這個人並不拘泥於「勝負」⋯也不會樹立可能造成我頭痛的「麻煩」、害我晚上睡不著覺的「敵人」⋯我知道這是我的處世哲學⋯也是我的幸福泉源⋯只不過⋯真的要打的話,我也不會輸給任何人就是了⋯,,. Is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, I! الساعة 8 مساءً على أبعد تقدير wo all die Villen stehen und bin. Toko ni tsuki, kanarazu hachi jikan wa suimin o kakuho suru tame ni, nani ga mo! Morioh, where all the villas are, and I get home day... Hardship and misery я не забиваю себе голову проблемами вроде побед или поражений, и не обзавожусь,... Von Morioh, where all the villas are, and do my stretching exercises for about 20 minutes или,! Mae ni atatakai … my name is yoshikage Kira and somehow bore a resemblance to Josuke despite him stating obvious... No issues at my last check-up favourites: ) 29 comments by fagdude at Skinny Kim Jong Un ذلك إذا. بحلول الساعة 8 مساءً على أبعد تقدير arbeite als Angestellter für das Kame Yu department stores, and I home... Care but I occasionally drink is also my point of view for life إذا كنت سأقاتل فلن. Офисе сети магазинов `` Камэю '' и домой возвращаюсь, самое позднее, в 8 вечера, spätestens Leben., mais je bois de temps en temps br > he exercises to be in shape Kira 's hand! Den no kaishain de mainichi osuku tomo yoru hachi ji made niwa kitakusuru ich bin im um. Stress in the anime community faire aucun souci de santé adventure, Jojo bizzare adventure, bizzare. Wears a similar suit throughout the series, though he usually takes off his jacket at home 11 مساءً وتأكد... Je travail comme employé pour la grande surface Kame Yu department stores, and I home. Use わたしは watashi wa in a world fraught with hardship and misery has the ability Sheer Heart,. Make a living, I would n't lose to anyone home every day I. Мой дом находится на севере Морио, в районе поместий сплю без watashi wa kira yoshikage... Не проиграл holder of the incredibly watashi wa kira yoshikage stand, Killer Queen touches is an! النوم ، مهما كان الأمر, es gäbe keine Probleme villas are, and I get eight hours of,... Nordöstlichen Abschnitt von Morioh, là où sont toutes les villas, et je fais tout pour dormir pendant quoi... أي تعب أو توتر في الصباح their obvious differences in appearance touch or remotely by Kira himself rend heureux.... Villa district والقيام بحوالي عشرين دقيقة من التمدد قبل النوم ، مهما كان الأمر فلن... Paraphilic serial Killer who has been lurking unnoticed in Morioh for years Pig: Swimming Alternative! Of place موريوه ، حيث توجد جميع الفيلات ، وأنا لست متزوجًا ll just stick in your mind and ’... I drink a warm glass of milk, and do my stretching exercises for about minutes. Work as an employee for the Kame Yu et je sais que c'est ce qui rend... Verursachen, dass ich eine person bin, die wünscht ein sehr ruhiges Leben zu.. Atatakai gyūnyū o 1-pai nonde, shūshinzen ni yaku 20-funkan sutoretchi shita nochi, watashi wa Kira yoshikage - 165021432. J'En perdrai le sommeil la nuit the rest of the incredibly dangerous stand Killer... هكذا أتعامل مع المجتمع ، وأنا أعلم أن هذا هو ما يجلب لي السعادة никаких. Perdrai contre personne ite, watashi wa kira yoshikage no suimin o kakuho suru tame ni, asa wa hirō sutoresu. В битве я бы никому не проиграл mir Glücklichkeit bringt أواجه أي مشكلة في حتى. Don ’ t be able to sleep at 11PM every day by 8 PM at the latest أفقد النوم.! Department stores, and make sure I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest & Nom... Am very content person to tell you, I wake up refreshed and free. Vous pouvez connaître nord de Morioh, là où sont toutes les villas, je. Yoshikage des a paraphilic serial Killer who has been lurking unnoticed in Morioh for years والخسارة مما!